She spoke in a gentle firm voice, a tone I would learn meant business. "Now Elsie this does it. I had planned to have you fitted for a new afternoon dress and some other things in the fitting room without the sales girls knowing your secret. But now to punish you I shall have to inform these shocked ladies and girls of your true status". I moaned a terrible ashamed sound and tried to cover my face with my gloved hand. Miss Cora made me stand and face them as she spoke.
Ladies, this is Elsie. This is a young man who in the privacy of his room, dressed in feminine clothing. He acted the part of bully-boy and gay blade at school. He tried to lead a double life. I am his legal mother and I know of his overpowering love of the feminine. Well, I decided as a loving mother to give him what he wanted. ne loves his feminine life and garments, but he wants it in secret, in his room. But I dont believe in secrecy so I am making him live his feminine life in public. But when he is bad he must be punished. He gets what he wants mixed with correction, punishment and training. This is his fiancee who will see that he toes the mark when she takes over. Elsie is sentenced to dresses until he is 21. He is now 17.
There was a gasp all over the place. Some of the girls clapped their hands and giggled, some must stood. There was dead silence for a few moments and after this the girls and women all spoke at once. I heard--
"Serves him right"-"Oh he is a doll"--"He is a darling"--"Most bullies are sissies at heart"--"Elsie is darn well built-look at those legs"-"Elsie needs to learn to obey and accept his new life"--Gosh, just think, he is 17 and he must live in petticoats until he is 21"--"I have heard that after a spell in feminine dress that most males prefer to remain that way".
So it went, and with head hung and red face I heard it all. Miss Vora said. "See how ashamed you are Elsie and you brought it all on yourself . On top of this I am going to spank you right here in front of all these women". I screamed and yelled and begged, but Miss Cora seated herself and took me over her big lap. Very slowly